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Und noch eine Anthologie!

Ich liebe die Ausschreibungen vom Bibliotheca Alexandrina Verlag. Ich kann sicherlich nicht zu jeder Gottheit etwas schreiben, und leider habe ich die ein oder andere Ausschreibung verpasst, ABER, wenn es dann doch klappt, bin ich gerne dabei. Diese hier handelt von den ägyptischen Gottheiten Set (oder auch Seth/Seti) und Djehuty (auch Thoth). Ich habe zwei Hymnen, zwei Zeichnungen und ein bearbeitetes Foto hingeschickt und nicht damit gerechnet, dass tatsächlich alles akzeptiert worden ist. Das Buch wurde, wie alle anderen, in englischer Sprache geschrieben. Hier ein Auszug von Klappentext:

Storm and Moon. Blood and Ink. Strength and Wisdom.

Set and Djehuty (whose name was Hellenized as Thoth) are two of the oldest Gods known to us. A complicated Deity, Set not only murders his brother, Osiris, but also defends the Sun on His daily travels across the sky. Honored by ancient Egyptians as a God of strength, the desert, storms, and war, and as a defender of the cosmic order, He is often vilified by modern Pagans who fail to appreciate his unique nature.

A God both cunning and wise, Djehuty is self-begotten, a master of law and cosmic order. The inventor of language, writing, and all of the sciences, He is also the Great Mediator, negotiating peace and harmony where there was only chaos and imbalance.

In many ways, these two Gods stand in radical opposition. Yet They also complement one another in surprising ways as Their myths, lore, and areas of influence intersect. Studying the two Gods simultaneously produces a deeper understanding of both Set and Djehuty, and Kemetic spirituality and cosmology.

It is the hope of the contributors to this anthology — devotees of Set and Djehuty from around the world — that the reader will come away with a greater appreciation of the Lord of Strength and the Master of Time. At the very least, we hope that the reader will come to realize that all Gods are worthy of our respect and devotion. (Source:

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